As-salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
It disheartens me in coming to know as well as to inform those among us unaware that our respected brother, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, has been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
Siraj Wahhaj was a former NOI (Nation Of "Islam") minister, soon left upon discovering the reality of pure Islam as ordained by Allah and His final messenger to the world, Muhammad salallahu 'alayhi wa salaam. Alhamdulillah! In 1991 he became the first Muslim to offer an invocation or opening prayer for the United States House of Represenatives and is the founder and Imam of Masjid at-Taqwa in Brooklyn, New York. Just some notable points in the life of this wonderful man. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward him immensely for his efforts and works in advancing His Cause. Ameen.
Brothers and sisters, let us have our respected brother in our duas, bi'idnillah, asking Allah by all His beautiful Names that Imam Siraj be granted a speedy recovery and ease be given to his dear relatives and those nearest to him. Posted beneath is a letter from Brother Wahhaj himself and a link for donations.
(from Siraj Wahhaj):
As Salamu Alaikum, Dear Brothers and Sisters!
It is well known now that I have been suffering from hypertension. Al Hamdulillah, I have been working with it for a while now, and insha’Allah it’s pretty much under control. As a result of being thoroughly checked by the competent doctors in Atlanta , I have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Al Hamdulillah, inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. (All Praise is for Allah. Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.)
My diagnosis is not as bad as it sounds on the surface. Many men have been cured from prostate cancer. My doctors are very optimistic about my cure, and so am I. Insha’Allah the treatment should last about two months. But you and I know that the cure is in the Hands of Allah. If Allah heals me, I will be very grateful. If Allah doesn’t heal me, then I will be patient and happily accept my fate. This is the way of the Believers. I am looking forward to full recovery and getting back to work in the not-too-distant future, insha’Allah.
Many people will ask the question, what can we do? Don’t waste your time feeling sorry for me. Make du’a. But don’t just make du’a for me. There are a lot of Muslims, men and women, with cancer (and other diseases). Make du’a for them also. There are so many among the elderly, who need our help, make du’a for them. There are so many Muslims who have lost their jobs, lost their homes, make du’a for them! Beyond the prayers, go visit the sick, those in prison, and others in need.
Get involved more with Islamic work. Support organizations like MANA, ISNA, ICNA, MAS, CAIR, SIFCA, the community in association with Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, the community of Imam Jamil Al Amin, etc. Support good brothers and sisters, like Mauri’ Saalakhan of the Peace and Justice Foundation. Support Islamic education and schools. If you want to help Imam Siraj, then help support his Masjid, Masjid At-Taqwa, in Brooklyn, New York and all the other struggling Masjids throughout America.
Every challenge we face in life presents us with many opportunities for growth. With a heightened awareness and sensitivity about health-related issues, I will feel better when we, as an ummah, learn more about our health. We have to be very careful about the foods we consume! I urge all of us to cultivate healthy appetites such that we begin to love and crave foods that are good FOR us and eliminate foods that are not. I intend with Allah’s help to share information with you in the coming weeks about our health.
On behalf of MANA, I encourage you to lend your support to our growing Organization. Every MANA project is structured to strengthen American Muslim communities. The SHARE Centers, Healthy Marriage Initiative, Community Reentry Program, and Healing and Reconciliation Project all need input and active service urgently. Please contact the MANA office to find out more and look for regular updates in our newsletters, insha’Allah.
In closing, I am humbled and very thankful for all the prayers, and well wishes of the Muslims, and am very appreciative for all the help extended to me and my family in the past. Alhamdulillah! I am also overwhelmed with gratitude that a number of you want to lend financial support, and have asked how you can do that. Online donations can be made here, or feel free to correspond with me directly at Siraj Wahhaj, P.O. Box 312264, Atlanta, GA 31131.
Thank you kindly. May Allah guide and protect us all.
Your brother in faith,
Imam Siraj Wahhaj
Special Donation For IMAM SIRAJ WAHHAJ
As Salaamu Alaikum Brother:
I had written a letter to Imam Siraj, inviting him to visit our prison. I didn't hear back from him and then read that he is ill, Alhamdulillah. I ask Allah (swt) Lord of the Throne to heal him/Ameen.
As Salaamu Alaikum,
Siraj once came and did a lecture at UT-Austin that changed my life and helped me become Muslim in 1999. I am so sad for this news, and I appreciate you telling us brother. May Allah make him strong. Ameen.
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